How to Add Sun Flare in Lightroom | Photo Editing Tips

Have you ever seen a photograph in which the sun seems like it’s shining properly out of the image, making the picture amazing? That’s called a sun flare, and it may make a simple picture look special without a doubt. Photographers love to add this effect to their images to present them with a heat, dreamy feeling.

In this guide, we’re going to discover, How to add sun flare in Lightroom. Lightroom is an app that many photographers use to make their images look even more attractive and shiny. 

We’ll go step by step, from beginning to end, adding very last touches that make your picture  pretty. So, grasp your laptop, open up Lightroom, and let’s get commenced on making your photos shine!

How to add Sun Flare in Lightroom: Follow These Easy Steps

Following these steps you can add sun flare in lightroom:

Setting Up the Radial Filter

The first step to adding a sun flare in Lightroom is to use something known as the Radial Filter. Think of this filter like a magic brush that may paint mild onto your image. Here’s how you could start putting it up:

  • Open your image in Lightroom: Choose an image you want out of your computer and open it in Lightroom.
  • Find the Radial Filter tool: Look at the pinnacle of the right panel in Lightroom. You’ll see a circle made from dashes. Click on that circle—it’s the Radial Filter.
  • Create a brand new filter out: Click and drag your photo to draw a circle in which you need the sun to shine.

Don’t fear if it’s not perfect—you could constantly trade it later! When you create this circle, you’re telling Lightroom, I need the sun flare to head here.

Next, we’ll discover ways to make that spot-of-light appear just right, blending obviously into your image.

Positioning and Blending the Sunflare

Now that you have your Radial Filter circle in your photo, it’s time to make it shine just like the sun! Here’s how you may role and blend your sun flare to make it look as natural as possible:

  • Position the circle: Move the circle in which you believe you studied the sun might be inside the image, or in which you watched it looks first-class. You can click on it in the middle and drag it around.
  • Adjust the dimensions: If the circle is just too massive or too small, you could make it larger or smaller. Just grasp one of the little squares on the threshold of the circle and pull it until it’s just the proper size.
  • Make it in combination: To make the mild appear to be it’s true part of the photo; you need to combine it. On the right side of Lightroom, you’ll see some sliders. Play with those sliders to alternate how vibrant or smooth the mild is.

You’ll want to modify the ‘Exposure’ and ‘Feather’ sliders. ‘Exposure’ makes the mild brighter or darker, and ‘Feather’ makes the rims of the light softer.

Final Touches and Saving Your Work

You’ve located and mixed your sun flare superbly, so now it’s time to add the final touches to make your picture ideal. Here’s what you can do:

  • Check the entire image: Take a step back and take a look at your entire photograph. Does the sunflare make the picture look better? Does something else inside the picture want a bit of adjustment? Maybe a few regions want to be a chunk brighter or a piece darker to healthy the brand new sun flare.
  • Adjust the general brightness and colorings: If you want to make your picture a little brighter, add some color to match the warm sun flare. You can use the sliders for ‘Brightness,’ ‘Contrast,’ and ‘Saturation’ to make these changes. Just play with the sliders till you watch the whole thing appear simply proper.
  • Save your photo: Once you’re satisfied with how your picture appears, it’s time to store it. Click on ‘File’ inside the pinnacle menu, then select ‘Export’. It helps you to keep your photograph on your laptop. You can choose the folder wherein you need to save it and what you need to call it. Make sure you select a format like JPEG, which goes nicely for sharing pics with friends or posting online.
  • Share your final creation: Now that your photograph is stored, why no longer show it off? You can percentage it on social media, send it to your friends or circle of relatives, or maybe print it out to put on your wall.

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Enhancing Photos with Additional Light Effects

 Now that you realize how to add a sun flare, you can make your photographs even more unique by way of including different sorts of light outcomes. 

Let’s discover how you can use Lightroom to add bokeh mild halos and regulate warmth and color for extra sparkle:

Bokeh and Light Halos

  • Bokeh: Bokeh makes parts of your image look beautifully blurry, which could make the light appearance tender and dreamy. In Lightroom, you can create a bokeh impact by means of the usage of the ‘Blur’ slider in the Effects panel. Just select the areas you want to blur and alter the slider until you get the dreamy appearance you want.
  • Light Halos: A light halo is a gentle glow that surrounds mild sources, like lamps or the sun. You can create this by increasing ‘Highlights’ and ‘Shadows’ across the mild sources. Adjust those sliders till you see a gentle glow that makes your mild resources pop without being too harsh.

Warmth and Color Adjustments

  • Warmth: Adding warm temperature makes your picture sense sunny and relaxed. You can adjust the ‘Temperature’ slider closer to the yellow and pink tones to add warmth. It is fantastic for sundown pictures or any image you want to present a heat, inviting experience.
  • Color Adjustments: Changing hues can dramatically adjust the temper of your photo. Use the ‘Hue,’ ‘Saturation,’ and ‘Luminance’ sliders to exceptional-track the colors. You could make the greens of a forest appearance lush or the blue of the sky extra shiny.

But Beware: Keep it Natural and Don’t Over Edit Your Photos.

While it’s thrilling to add sun flares and other mild results in your photos, it’s vital to hold your edits looking natural. Here’s how you could make certain your photograph upgrades enhance your pix without going overboard:

  • Use outcomes sparingly: Think of results like seasoning in cooking—too much can overpower the dish, and just the proper quantity could make it delicious. Add light consequences gently; you need human beings to observe the splendor of your photo, no longer just the results.
  • Watch for realism: Always step lower back and observe your image. Does it nevertheless seem like something you can see with your eyes, or does it start to appear like a painting or cartoon? Keeping your edits natural allows keeping the image’s believability.
  • Ask for remarks: Sometimes, it’s difficult to tell if you’ve edited an excessive amount while you’ve been searching for an image for a long time. Ask a friend or family member what they assume. If they say it looks ‘too edited,’ then you need to re-edit it.
  • Compare with the Original: Toggle from side to side between your edited model and the unique picture. It permits you to see if you’ve maintained the image sense or in case your edits have taken the image too far from what it at first seemed like.

Real-Life Examples and Inspiration

To help you see how effective sun flare and other light effects can be, let’s take a look at some real-life examples from specific sorts of images. Each kind can be beneficial for you, so follow these consequences in particular ways:

Wedding Photography

  • Magical Moments: In wedding photos, a sunflare can create a magical, timeless environment. Imagine a picture of a pair kissing with a smooth glow of sunlight around them—it looks as if it were a scene from a fairy tale. This impact can add romance and a touch of dreaminess to the unique moments captured.

Portrait Photography

  • Highlighting Features: For pics, sun flare can be used to focus on the hair or the outline of someone, developing a halo effect that makes the problem stand out towards the background. It can supply the portrait with an impressive or ethereal look, emphasizing the character’s features in a flattering manner.

Landscape Photography

  • Dramatic Skies and Horizons: Sun flare can remodel a panorama photograph by adding drama to skies and horizons. A sundown image with sun flare can flip an ordinary scene into a superb one, making the sky appearance more colorful and adding depth to the landscape.

Why do we have to upload Sun flare in Lightroom?

Adding sun flare in Lightroom can decorate your pictures in a lot of significant methods:

  • Atmosphere and Mood: Sun flare can dramatically exchange the atmosphere of a picture, giving it a warm, inviting, and can make it a regularly wistful experience. It can make scenes seem more magical or dreamlike, which is especially appealing in romantic settings like weddings or golden hour landscapes.
  • Visual Interest: Sun flare introduces a brand new element of visible interest to a composition. It can draw the viewer’s eye to a selected part of the image or create a focus that enhances the general composition.
  • Depth and Dimension: By including a layer of mild that interacts with the elements inside the image, sun flare can add depth and size. It enables the space and spatial relationships among exclusive components of the scene extra clearly.
  • Enhancing Natural Lighting: Sun flare can decorate what natural light is already doing in an image. It can amplify the effect of daylight, making a scene look brighter and more colorful, or it may complement the prevailing mild for a greater balanced effect.
  • Artistic Expression: For many photographers, including sunflare is a way to place a private artistic contact on their snapshots. It lets in for creative expression in how they manage light and coloration, making their pictures distinct.
  • Improving Simple Compositions: Sometimes, an image would possibly lack a positive “spark” or won’t interact with the viewer as an awful lot as supposed. Adding sun flare can make your picture extra classy and beautiful.

Pros And Cons of Adding Sun Flare in Lightroom

Adding sun flare in Lightroom can provide numerous benefits and some capability drawbacks. Here are a few pros and cons to don’t forget:


  • Enhanced Mood and Atmosphere: Sun flare can upload a smooth, warm glow to your pictures, creating a mood that really is romantic, memorable, or dreamy. It can make your photographs more attractive and emotionally attractive.
  • Increased Visual Interest: By introducing an element of mild that interacts with the situation and heritage, sun flare could make a simple image more exciting. It can function as a focus or decorate the composition with the aid of drawing the viewer’s eye through the photo.
  • Artistic Creativity: Sunflare permits photographers to test mild creative approaches, imparting a tool to customize and stylize their pictures. It gives photographers the ability to manipulate the temper and impact of their snapshots past what turned into a captured in-digital camera. 


  • Can Distract from the Subject: If not used cautiously, sun flare can overpower the principle problem of the picture, drawing interest away from where it’s wanted. It can obscure important info or create a visual disturbance that disrupts the viewer’s focus.
  • Risk of Overuse: There’s a high-quality line between tasteful enhancement and overuse. Sun flare can quickly become a cliché if used excessively or without considerate integration into the picture. It could make pictures appear dated or amateurish as opposed to expert and refined.


After reading this guide, I hope you understand How to Add Sun Flare in Lightroom. Adding sun flare and different mild effects in Lightroom can clearly remodel your photographs, giving them a unique and compelling appearance. 

Whether you’re enhancing wedding ceremony images, pics, or landscapes, those outcomes can elevate your photography, making normal scenes brilliant.

Remember, the secret’s to use those outcomes wisely and sparingly. It’s clean to get over-excited. However, the most effective pix often have diffused enhancements that complement the natural beauty of the situation or scene.

Most importantly, have fun together with your images! The extra editing can reduce your image’s naturality.

FAQs About How to Add Sun Flare in Lightroom

How to add sunlight in Lightroom Mobile?

Open your picture in Lightroom Mobile, tap the ‘Light’ menu, and alter the ‘Exposure’ and ‘Highlights’ to animate the image. Use the ‘Radial Gradient’ device to create a targeted place of mild that simulates daylight.

How to add sun flare in Lightroom Classic?

Use the ‘Radial Filter’ tool in Lightroom Classic. Place the filter in which you want the sun to flare, and adjust exposure, highlights, and perhaps temperature to create a warm, glowing impact.

How to add sun flare in Lightroom presets?

You can create a preset after manually including sun flare in the usage of the Radial Filter by adjusting exposure and highlights. Once you are happy with the look, store those settings as a preset for destiny use.

How to make light rays in Lightroom?

To simulate light rays, use a mixture of ‘Radial Filters’ and ‘Graduated Filters’ to create beams of mild. Adjust the exposure and reduce the clarity in the clear-out vicinity to imitate rays coming through clouds or bushes.

How do you capture Sun flare?

To capture sun flare in-digicam, shoot toward the sun with a narrow aperture (like f/16 or f/22), which clearly creates a starburst effect. Position the sun at the brink of your challenge or, in part, obscured to beautify the flare impact. 

What is the purpose of adding sun flare to a photo?

Adding sun flare can beautify the classy enchantment of a picture, create a mood or atmosphere, and upload creative flair. It frequently brings a warm, radiant, and dreamy satisfaction to images, making them feel more alive and dynamic.

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